I am an Astrobiology PhD student at the University of Westminster, with a First Class Honours degree in Planetary Science with Astronomy. My current research focus is the detection and characterisation of spectroscopic biosignatures on Mars by working with analogue samples from a number of locations on Earth.
I am an active science communicator, a commitee member of the Astrobiology Society of Britain Committee and a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society.
My public engagement and outreach activities involve delivering talks in Planetary Science, Astrobiology and Astronomy to children and adults, and producing events for my space science outreach project AromAtom, funded in 2017. I also design space science related activities for museums, science and discovery centres.
Please get in touch if you have any questions, if you would like me to visit your school or talk at one of your events.
Example talks:
Martian extremophiles: Potential extinct and extant life on Mars.
How could humans live on Mars?
Detection of biosignatures on Mars.
Extremophiles: Guiding the search for extraterrestrial life.
AromAtom: A creative approach to Planetary Science outreach and public engagement.